Influences on participation in leisure activities

Influences on Participation in Leisure Activities

Personal Circumstances

  • Age can determine what activities individual can do and what they are interested in. For example, younger people may be more inclined to participate in physical activities compared to older people.
  • Health also greatly influences the ability to participate in certain leisure activities, with those who are healthier able to participate in a wider range of activities.
  • A person’s available free time will influence how, when, and to what extent they can participate in leisure activities.
  • Income level is a major determinant since many leisure activities require financial resources to participate in.
  • Occupation can impact both the amount of free time available and also the type of leisure activities chosen.

Social and Cultural Factors

  • Family and friends can have a significant influence, as individuals tend to share leisure activities with these social groups.
  • Cultural norms and values can shape what activities are considered acceptable or desirable.
  • Gender roles and expectations can influence leisure, with societal norms often dictating what activities are seen as appropriate for different genders.
  • The cultural significance of certain activities, or the cultural values attached to leisure activities, can also be a major influence.

Environmental Factors

  • Geographical location, including proximity to certain facilities or natural features, can influence what leisure activities are available or popular.
  • Weather and climate can impact the choice or frequency of certain outdoor activities.
  • Urban vs rural living often offers different opportunities and constraint for leisure activities.

Policy and Provision of Services

  • Government policies and funding have a big impact on the availability and affordability of leisure activities.
  • The provision of leisure facilities, such as playing fields, swimming pools, libraries, parks, etc., by local councils, not-for-profit organisations or private businesses can attract people to certain activities.
  • Regulations and safeguarding measures can impact, either positively or negatively, the accessibility of some activities for certain groups (e.g., vulnerable people).

Media and Technological Influences

  • Advertising and promotion of certain activities can encourage greater participation.
  • The media’s portrayal of certain leisure activities can make them more or less appealing.
  • Technological advancements, such as digital platforms, virtual and augmented reality can create new leisure opportunities and ways of participation.