Management theories

Management Theories in Leisure

Management theories are used to describe different approaches to the tasks of planning, organising, leading, and controlling in leisure service settings.

Classical Management Theories

  • Scientific management theory: Developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, this theory emphasizes efficiency and productivity. Managers examine workflows, break tasks down into simple steps, and develop procedures for maximum efficiency. In leisure settings like gyms or sports complexes, this theory can be used to streamline processes (e.g., equipment setup or customer service procedures).

  • Administrative management theory: Henri Fayol proposed this theory which focuses on the entire organisation rather than individual tasks. It emphasizes planning, organising, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. For example, in a leisure setting, this might involve creating schedules for staff, managing resources, and coordinating events.

Contemporary Management Theories

  • Human relations theory: This theory, pioneered by Elton Mayo, emphasises people over processes. It suggests that workers respond to social conditions and group norms in addition to monetary incentives and working conditions. Managers in leisure settings can use this theory to foster teamwork, promote strong workplace relationships and improve staff morale.

  • Systems theory: This sees organisations as complex systems made up of interconnected parts where changes in one part will affect the whole system. In leisure management, for example, decisions made in the marketing department will impact operations, sales, and customer service. Managers must therefore consider the organisation as a whole when making decisions.

  • Contingency theory: This theory suggests there is no one ‘best way’ to manage an organisation and that the most effective management style depends on various internal and external factors. Applying this theory in a leisure context might involve adapting leadership styles or strategies based on specific situations or organisational demands.

Application of Management Theories in Leisure

  • Implementing classical theories in leisure services can help maximise efficiency and productivity, but must be balanced with staff wellbeing and customer satisfaction.

  • Contemporary theories can promote a supportive, dynamic working environment. They encourage managers to view their organisation as an interconnected system and adapt management strategies according to evolving situations.

  • Applying the right balance and blend of these theories can help leisure managers lead their teams effectively, meet organisational goals, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Importance of Management Theories in Leisure

  • Understanding these theories can help leisure managers formulate effective management strategies for their teams and the entire organisation.

  • These theories provide a framework for leisure managers to understand their organisation’s dynamics and guide their decision-making process.

  • Correct application of these theories can increase productivity, improve employee morale, and enhance customer experience in leisure settings.