Constant Acceleration Equations

Constant Acceleration Equations

  • The Constant Acceleration Equations, also known as the SUVAT equations, are vital for studying the motion of an object exhibiting constant acceleration.
  • They are necessary for comprehending the behaviours of objects in numerous physical situations and vital for mastering Kinematics.
  • The equations are: v = u + at, s = ut + 0.5at^2, v^2 = u^2 + 2as, s = (u+v)t/2.
  • In these equations, ‘s’ refers to displacement, ‘u’ to initial velocity, ‘v’ to final velocity, ‘a’ to acceleration and ‘t’ to time.
  • Applying these equations to various problems allows for better understanding of their use in different scenarios.
  • Graphical analysis of these equations assists in reinforcing the concepts and establishing a solid base in Kinematics.