Changing life under Stalin

Changing life under Stalin

Economic Changes under Stalin

  • Industrialisation: Rapid industrialisation was a key focus under Stalin, with the Five-Year Plans issued to transform Soviet industry.
  • Collectivisation: Stalin introduced forced collectivisation, merging small farms into large state-controlled enterprises to increase agricultural output.
  • End of NEP: New Economic Policy (NEP) was abolished, ending the era of limited private enterprise.

Political Changes under Stalin

  • ‘Great Purge’: Stalin launched the Great Purge, targeting party officials, intellectuals, and ordinary citizens, leading to rampant fear and paranoia.
  • Cult of Personality: Stalin created an extreme personality cult, where he was portrayed as an infallible and god-like figure.
  • Policy of ‘Socialism in One Country’: Stalin advocated for the USSR to become powerful and self-sufficient rather than spreading worldwide communist revolution.

Social Changes under Stalin

  • Education: Stalin prioritised education, leading to a significant decrease in illiteracy rates and an increase in technical skills.
  • Women’s status: Women gained more rights, including equal pay and access to education and certain professions.
  • Living standards: Despite industrial progress, most Soviet people experienced a decline in living standards, with widespread famine and poverty.

Cultural Changes under Stalin

  • Art and literature: The Soviet government controlled cultural expression, promoting Socialist Realism, an art style depicting the positive aspects of communism.
  • Religious persecution: Stalin heavily persecuted religious groups, leading to a decline in religious freedom and belief.
  • Ideological conformity: Stalin imposed ideological conformity, with deviation from the party line considered a crime.