Electricity: The National Grid
Electricity: The National Grid
Understanding the National Grid
- The National Grid is a system of cables and transformers used for the transmission of electrical power across the country.
- It acts as a network that distributes generated electricity from power stations to homes, offices, and factories.
Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
- A step-up transformer is used at a power station to increase the voltage generated. This is because a high voltage ensures that power is transmitted efficiently and over long distances.
- Step-down transformers are then used at local substations to reduce the voltage to a safe level for homes.
Power Stations and the Grid
- Power stations usually produce electricity at 25,000 volts.
- The generated electricity is then stepped up to 400,000 volts for transmission via the National Grid.
Pylons and Cables
- Electricity is transmitted across the country via overhead cables on pylons.
- These pylons are part of the National Grid, carrying a high voltage of up to 400,000 volts.
- Underground cables are used in highly populated areas for safety and aesthetic reasons.
Substations and Households
- Substations are part of the grid where the voltage of the electricity is stepped down from high transmission voltages to voltages safe for use in homes.
- Electricity in the UK is delivered to households at a voltage of about 230 volts.
Efficiency of the National Grid
- The National Grid is highly efficient in transmitting electricity between power stations and consumers.
- The high voltage used in transmission reduces power loss due to heating effect.
- Even so, some energy in the grid is lost as heat, due to the resistance of the cables and transformers.
Impact on the Environment
- The National Grid utilises overhead power lines that can have an impact on the surroundings.
- Mitigation measures include using underground cables, carefully planning the routes, and designing pylons to blend in with the landscape.