Manipulating Data

Manipulating Data

Data Manipulation Basics

  • Data manipulation refers to the process of adjusting data to make it organised and easier to read or understand.
  • Includes sorting, filtering, and calculating data.
  • Relevant software tools for this process include database management systems (DBMS) like Microsoft Access and Excel.

Data Sorting

  • Sorting is arranging data in a certain order.
  • The two primary types of sorting are ascending (numbers smallest to largest, alphabetical order) and descending (numbers largest to smallest, reverse alphabetical order).
  • Sorting can help in finding specific data faster and analysing data more effectively.

Data Filtering

  • Filtering involves displaying only certain records based on specified criteria.
  • Filtering does not remove or alter data; it only changes what is currently visible.
  • It’s a useful tool for quickly locating specific records within a database.


  • Calculations can be performed directly within a database software.
  • These calculations may include finding the sum, average, maximum, minimum or count of a data set.
  • They can assist in creating statistical data from raw data.

Data Validation

  • Validation checks that data entered into the database is sensible and reasonably correct.
  • Methods include range check, length check, and lookup tables.
  • This is important to maintain the integrity of the data and prevent errors.

Data Verification

  • Data verification ensures that the data entered matches the original source.
  • This could include double-entry, proofreading, or the use of check digits.
  • Verification is vital to spotting and correcting errors at the point of data entry.

Importing and Exporting Data

  • Data can be imported and exported between different software tools and systems.
  • e.g., data saved in a Excel file can be imported into a Access database.
  • This flexibility allows for data manipulation that suits specific needs or the use of specialised tools.

Data Security

  • Ensuring data security is crucial when handling data.
  • Techniques to achieve data security include password protection, access rights, encryption, and backups.
  • Proper data security ensures data integrity and prevents unauthorized access or loss of data.

Review this information carefully and practice using various software tools to gain practical understanding of these concepts. Remember to focus on understanding the purpose of each data manipulation procedure and how they can enhance data utility and integrity.