Security of Data

Security of Data

Section 1: Understanding Data Security

  • Familiarise with the term Data Security, which pertains to protective measures implemented to safeguard digital data from corruption, compromise, or loss.
  • Recognise that Data Security encompasses an array of strategies and solutions designed to protect data from threats such as unauthorised data access, data breaches, identity thefts, and cyberattacks.

Section 2: Importance of Data Security

  • Understand that data security is vital for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
  • Comprehend the potential risks and costs associated with data breaches, such as loss of trust, legal ramifications, and financial losses.

Section 3: Data Security Techniques

  • Be aware of encryption, a process that converts data into a format that can only be read with a decryption key.
  • Understand the roles of firewalls, which monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.
  • Learn about access controls, a security technique that restricts access to data. Only authorised users can access the data.
  • Be familiar with backup and recovery, to safeguard data by creating copies in case of data loss.

Section 4: Computings Role in Data Security

  • Comprehend the significance of secure coding, which aims to guard against threats by developing applications in line with security best practices.
  • Understand the application of security in databases to safeguard data stored, which includes measures such as access controls and data encryption.

Section 5: Responding to Data Security Breaches

  • Understand the necessary actions when a data breach occurs, such as identifying and containing the breach, assessing the impact, notifying affected individuals, and enhancing security measures to prevent future breaches.
  • Recognise the importance of regular security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure the effectiveness of existing security measures.