Future Plans

Future Plans

Future Education

  • Familiarise yourself with the phrase planes de futuro para la educación (Future plans for education).
  • Know terms like universidad (university), curso vocacional (vocational course), beca (scholarship), Grado (Degree), and erasmus (study abroad program).
  • Discuss potential factors that might influence these decisions, such as las perspectivas de empleo (employment prospects), pasatiempos e intereses (hobbies and interests), el costo de la educación (the cost of education), and la ubicación de la universidad/ciudad (location of the university/city).

Future Employment

  • Understand planes de futuro para el empleo (future plans for employment).
  • Learn job-related vocabulary like trabajo a tiempo completo (full-time job), pasantías (internships), autoempleo (self-employment), trabajo voluntario (voluntary work), and empleado (employee).
  • Learn to use expressions to state job preferences and justifications: Me gustaría ser… porque… (I would like to be… because…), Prefiero… debido a… (I prefer… due to…).

Expressing Aspirations and Concerns

  • Express your future aspirations using Espero… (I hope to…), Me gustaría… (I’d like to…), Mi sueño es… (My dream is…).
  • Share your concerns or worries about future plans using phrases like Me preocupa… (I am worried about…), Tengo miedo de… (I am scared of…).
  • Discuss overcoming challenges, achieving goals, or dealing with changes regarding future plans. Use phrases such as superar desafíos (overcoming challenges), lograr metas (achieving goals), and adaptarse a los cambios (adapting to changes).

Portrayal of Future Plans: Positives and Negatives

  • Learn to portray a balanced view of future plans using phrases like Por un lado,… pero por otro lado,… (On one hand,… but on the other hand,…).
  • Discuss potential positive outcomes such as independencia financiera (financial independence), satisfacción personal (personal satisfaction), contribución a la sociedad (contribution to society).
  • Consider possible negatives such as estrés laboral (job stress), dificultades de equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida (work-life balance difficulties), inseguridad laboral (job insecurity).