Environmental Problems
Environmental Problems
Section 1: Deforestation
- Deforestation is referred to as “la deforestación” in Spanish.
- La deforestación ocurre cuando se talan árboles para su explotación comercial sin reforestación.
- This process can lead to loss of habitat (pérdida de hábitat) for many species.
Section 2: Air Pollution
- Air Pollution is “la contaminación del aire” in Spanish.
- It can be caused by car exhausts or industrial emissions.
- The Spanish word for exhaust fumes is ‘gases de escape’ and for industrial emissions is ‘emisiones industriales’.
- This can lead to health problems (problemas de salud), particularly respiratory complaints.
Section 3: Plastic Pollution
- Plastic Pollution translates to ‘la contaminación plástica’ in Spanish.
- This mainly affects the world’s oceans, or ‘los océanos del mundo’.
- It can have severe effects on marine life (la vida marina).
Section 4: Climate Change
- Climate Change is referred to as ‘el cambio climático’ in Spanish.
- Causes of climate change include the burning of fossil fuels (combustibles fósiles) and deforestation (deforestación).
- This has led to increased occurrences of natural disasters (desastres naturales) such as floods (inundaciones) and droughts (sequías).
Section 5: Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy is ‘la energía renovable’ in Spanish.
- Examples include solar power (la energía solar), wind power (la energía eólica), and hydroelectric power (la energía hidroeléctrica).
- These forms of energy are generally viewed as solutions to help combat climate change.
Section 6: Conservation Efforts
- Conservation is ‘la conservación’ in Spanish.
- Examples of conservation methods include recycling (el reciclaje), reducing waste (reducir los desperdicios), and planting more trees (plantar más árboles).
- These efforts are ways to combat negative environmental impacts.