Life in the town and rural life

Life in the town and rural life

Life in the Town

  • Vida urbana: This refers to city or town life. This term would be used when describing the fast-paced lifestyle, high population density, and varied social and cultural activities.

  • Los medios de transporte: Means of transportation. These may include walking (caminar), driving (conducir), taking the bus (coger el autobús), bikes (las bicicletas) or use of the metro system (metro).

  • Las tiendas: Shops. You may need to discuss different types of shops such as la librería (bookshop), la panadería (bakery), la carnicería (butcher’s) and el supermercado (supermarket).

  • Las instalaciones: Facilities. Things such as swimming pools (piscinas), gyms (gimnasios), parks (parques) and cinemas (cines) are included under this umbrella term.

  • Los lugares de interés: Places of interest. Famous buildings, monuments, museums, art galleries would be included in this section.

Rural Life

  • Vida rural: This term refers to life in the village or countryside. The lifestyle is usually slower-paced, population density is low and there’s close contact with nature.

  • La agricultura: Agriculture. Discuss farming and its importance in rural life. Also mention activities like planting (sembrar), harvesting (cosechar), and types of crops (cultivos) that may be grown.

  • Los animales de granja: Farm animals. Include the names of farm animals in Spanish. E.g. cow (la vaca), goat (la cabra), chicken (el pollo).

  • Las actividades al aire libre: Outdoor activities. Rural life often involves activities such as fishing (pescar), hunting (cazar), hiking (hacer senderismo), and horse riding (montar a caballo).

  • La naturaleza: Nature. Discuss the abundance of nature in rural areas – forests (bosques), mountain ranges (cordilleras), rivers (ríos), and so on. Use adjectives to describe the landscape; e.g. beautiful (hermoso), vast (amplio).

Remember, to ace your exam you should aim for a wide range of vocabulary and try to incorporate as many tenses as possible!