Food and Drink
Food and Drink Vocabulary
- La comida = Food
- La bebida = Drink
- El desayuno = Breakfast
- El almuerzo = Lunch
- La cena = Dinner
- La merienda = Snack
- El agua = Water
- El jugo, el zumo = Juice
- La leche = Milk
- La carne = Meat
- El pan = Bread
- El pescado = Fish
- Las verduras = Vegetables
- Las frutas = Fruits
Food and Drink Referring Expressions
- Tengo hambre/sed = I am hungry/thirsty
- ¿Qué vamos a comer? = What are we going to eat?
- Comer fuera = To eat out
- Comer en casa = To eat at home
- ¿Qué te gustaría comer/beber? = What would you like to eat/drink?
- Comer equilibrado = To eat a balanced diet
- Beber mucha agua = Drink a lot of water
- Evitar la comida basura = Avoid junk food
Cooking and Food Preparation Vocabulary
- Cocinar = To cook
- El horno = The oven
- La sartén = The frying pan
- Hervir = To boil
- Freír = To fry
- Asar = To roast
- Picar = To chop
Cooking and Food Preparation Expressions
- Hacer la comida = To make the food
- Preparar la cena = To prepare dinner
- Cocinar el almuerzo = To cook lunch
- Pelar las verduras = To peel the vegetables
- Cortar el pan = To cut the bread
- Poner la mesa = To set the table
- Recoger la mesa = To clear the table