Shopping and Money Matters
Shopping and Money Matters
Shopping Vocabulary
- La compra = The shopping
- El centro comercial = The shopping centre
- La tienda de ropa = The clothes shop
- El supermercado = The supermarket
- La lista de la compra = The shopping list
- La cartera = The wallet
- Pagar en efectivo/tarjeta = Pay in cash/card
Expressions Regarding Shopping
- Ir de compras = To go shopping
- Hacer las compras = To do the shopping
- Voy a comprar… = I am going to buy…
- ¿Cuánto cuesta? = How much does it cost?
- Está en oferta = It’s on offer
- ¿Tienes cambio? = Do you have change?
Health and Fitness Vocabulary
- La salud = Health
- La dieta = Diet
- El régimen = Regime
- La alimentación = Feeding, food
- Practicar deporte = To practise sport
- El gimnasio = The gym
- Hacer ejercicio = To do exercise
Expressions Regarding Health and Fitness
- Llevar una vida sana = To lead a healthy life
- Mantenerse en forma = To stay in shape
- Hacer dieta = To diet
- Comer sano = To eat healthily
- Perder peso = To lose weight
Money Vocabulary
- El dinero = Money
- La moneda = Coin
- El billete = Banknote
- El cajero automático = ATM
- La cuenta bancaria = Bank account
#Expressions Regarding Money
- Ahorrar dinero = To save money
- Gastar dinero en… = To spend money on…
- Pagar las cuentas = To pay the bills
- Sacar dinero = To withdraw money
- Ingresar dinero = To deposit money
- Pedir un préstamo = To ask for a loan