Daily Routine and Helping at Home

Daily Routine and Helping at Home

Daily Routine

  • Grasp essential vocabulary which include activities related to your routine like levantarse (get up), dormir (sleep), comer (eat), estudiar (study), etc.

  • Learn how to say the time in Spanish as it is important when describing routines. The phrase ‘de la mañana’ should be used for morning, ‘de la tarde’ for the afternoon and ‘de la noche’ for night.

  • Remember that Spanish verbs are conjugated based on the subject. So it’s essential to learn the conjugations for verbs in the first person as most routine actions will typically involve the speaker.

  • Practise reflexive verbs as they are frequently used in discussing daily routine. These verbs indicate actions that a subject does to itself like vestirse (to dress oneself), cepillarse (to brush oneself), etc.

  • Understand the use of frequency adverbs which help specify how often you do things. Some keywords are siempre (always), nunca (never), muchas veces (many times), etc.

Helping at Home

  • Identify key vocabulary words related to household tasks. Words like limpiar (to clean), cocinar (to cook), cortar el césped (to mow the lawn), etc. are crucial.

  • Note that verbs need to be conjugated to match with the person performing the task. This is especially relevant when the person doing the task is not the speaker.

  • Learn expressions of obligation for indicating necessity or requirement to do a certain task. Phrases like tener que (have to), necesitar (need to) are important in this context.

  • Understand how to use Spanish prepositions to indicate place. For example, en la cocina (in the kitchen), en el jardín (in the garden), en la sala (in the living room), etc., which help to specify where an action is taking place.

  • Get familiar with the imperative form of verbs for instructions or commands. For example, the phrase ¡Haz tu cama! means ‘Make your bed!’. So, learning how to give and understand commands can be useful.