Hobbies, Interests, Sports and Exercise

Hobbies, Interests, Sports and Exercise

Hobbies and Interests

  • Familiarise yourself with Spanish terms for popular hobbies, such as música (music), películas (movies), lectura (reading), cocinar (cooking), and viajar (travelling).
  • Learn how to talk about a personal interest. For example: “Me gusta la música because it relaxes me” translates to “I like music because it relaxes me”.
  • Practice describing why you are interested in certain hobbies.
  • Understand expressions of likes and dislikes. “Me encanta” (I love), “Me gusta” (I like), “No me gusta” (I do not like) and “Odio” (I hate).


  • Learn basic terms for typical school sport activities, like fútbol (football), baloncesto (basketball), natación (swimming), and atletismo (athletics).
  • Practice conjugating regular -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs to discuss playing sports.
  • Be familiar with the verb “jugar” (to play) and the phrase “[deporte] me mantiene en forma”, which means “[sport] keeps me in shape”.
  • Be able to discuss how often you play a sport using frequency adverbs like nunca (never), a veces (sometimes), siempre (always), mucho (a lot), and poco (little).


  • Understand verbs that relate to physical activity such as correr (to run), caminar (to walk), levantar pesas (to lift weights), and ciclismo (cycling).
  • Become familiar with phrases that describe the frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise: todos los días (every day), dos veces a la semana (twice a week), intenso/a (intense), suave (mild).
  • Learn the names of body parts and connect them with respective exercises: brazo (arm), pierna (leg), espalda (back), pecho (chest).


  • Know the terms for foods, such as frutas (fruits), verduras (vegetables), carnes (meats), dulces (sweets).
  • Be familiar with the phrases “comer una dieta balanceada” (eat a balanced diet), beber mucha agua (drink lots of water), and descansar lo suficiente (get enough rest).
  • Understand how to express common health problems or illnesses, such as estar resfriado/a (to have a cold), tener dolor de cabeza (to have a headache), and estar enfermo/a (to be sick).