Revision Timetable
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Module: Listening (Urdu)
Understand grammar and syntax structures
Apprehending references to past, present and future events
Understanding spoken language in a range of everyday situations and in a variety of social, professional, educational or vocational contexts
Recognising the relationship between characters in spoken passages
Identification and interpretation of context
Ability to infer meaning
Recognition of opinions and attitudes
General understanding of discussions, interviews and talks on a variety of topics
Ability to identify and note main points and specific details
Understanding of spoken Urdu
Module: Reading (Urdu)
Understanding of narrative, argument or factual information
Recognition of relationships between parts of a text
Translation from Urdu to English
Comprehension of vocabulary and structures in context
Interpretation of texts to infer meanings
Identification of context and purpose of the text
Understanding of text organisation features
Recognition of attitudes, emotions and viewpoints
Understanding of specific information, ideas and opinions
Comprehension and response to different types of written language
Module: Speaking (Urdu)
Accuracy in pronunciation and intonation
Communication using different time frames and grammatical structures
Use of a variety of spoken language
Manipulation of structure and sequence
Use of appropriate register, idiom and vocabulary
Initiation and development of conversation
Conveying information, expressing opinions and justifying points of view
Role-play scenarios responding to visual or written stimuli
Presentation and discussion on a general theme
Communication and interaction in speech