Recognition of attitudes, emotions and viewpoints

Recognition of attitudes, emotions and viewpoints

Recognition of Attitudes

  • Attitudes are personal viewpoints that affect how a text is written or read. Identifying the writer’s attitude is paramount for understanding a text’s underlying messages.
  • Attitudes can be conveyed through word choice, tone, and style. The use of positive or negative language, formal or informal expressions, and objective or subjective phrasing can all serve as clues to the writer’s attitudes.
  • Close attention must be paid to explicit and implicit attitudes. Are the points being made directly, or does the writer hint at certain attitudes indirectly?
  • Attitudes can change throughout the text. Keep an eye out for contrasting or evolving attitudes as a text progresses.

Understanding Emotions

  • The emotional tone of a text can immensely affect its message and purpose. An understanding of the emotional context can enhance the ability to interpret the text.
  • Emotions can be expressed through a variety of textual elements including diction, imagery, symbolism, and punctuation.
  • A text may have an overall emotion, but it can also contain contrasting or evolving emotions within different sections or in relation to different subjects.
  • Distinguishing between dominant and subtle emotions can add depth to your understanding of a text. Is the emotional tone obvious, or does it require careful reading to identify?

Grasping Viewpoints

  • A viewpoint is an author’s perspective or opinion on a subject. Identifying different viewpoints can aid in the analysis and evaluation of a text.
  • Look for signs of personal beliefs, which could be presented as facts. Using these as evidence of viewpoints can provide richer analysis.
  • The comparison of different viewpoints present in the text is a useful strategy. How do these viewpoints complement or contradict each other, and what does that reveal about the text?
  • An understanding of cultural context can provide clues to why certain viewpoints are represented in a text. This is particularly important when reading Urdu texts, as cultural norms and expectations can significantly influence viewpoints.

Post-Reading Reflection

  • Reflecting on a text once it’s read is important. Try to summarise the dominant attitudes, emotions, and viewpoints you found in the text in your own words.
  • Practising with a variety of texts will help in improving these skills. Find a diversity in texts to expose yourself to different ways attitudes, emotions, and viewpoints can be conveyed.