Supporting animals during examinations and treatments

Supporting animals during examinations and treatments

Role of an Animal Nurse during Examinations

  • It is the animal nurse’s duty to help restrain animals safely during health examinations or treatments.
  • Communication is key during examinations. Animal nurses use calming tones and gentle touch to pacify distressed animals.
  • It is necessary to monitor an animal’s behaviour during the examination to ensure it is not becoming overly stressed or agitated.
  • Animal nurses should have a thorough understanding of animal anatomy to aid the veterinarians during examinations.
  • Assisting in collecting samples (blood, urine, etc.) is another crucial aspect of an animal nurse’s role during exams.
  • Ensuring proper hygiene is required to prevent contamination or infections during medical examinations or treatments.

Responsibilities during Treatments

  • Animal nurses play a vital role in preparing animals for surgeries or treatments by administering pre-surgery medications and ensuring the animal is comfortable.
  • They assist during surgical procedures by handing instruments and ensuring sterile conditions are maintained.
  • Animal nurses must monitor vital signs continuously during the procedure to track the animal’s health status.
  • Post-procedure, Nurses look out for signs of recovery or complications and promptly inform the veterinarian to take necessary actions if needed.
  • Administering post-procedure care, like providing medication, wound dressing, and maintaining cleanliness, is a crucial responsibility.

Assisting Veterinarians and Pet Owners

  • A good animal nurse facilitates clear communication between the vet and the pet owner about treatment plans, aftercare, and prevention of potential health issues.
  • It’s their responsibility to educate pet owners on treatment protocols, like how and when to provide medication, diet regulation, and ensuring the comfort of the pet post-treatment.
  • They are also charged with scheduling follow-ups with pet owners to ensure the treatment plan and recovery procedures are going well at home.

Health and Wellness of the Animal Nurse

  • Animal nurses should follow strict health and safety guidelines to protect themselves and the animal under their charge, including appropriate use of protective clothing.
  • Understanding the risk of zoonotic diseases and taking adequate measures to prevent them is fundamental.
  • It is a physically challenging field, requiring lifting and handling equipment and animals. Hence, understanding appropriate handling techniques and maintaining physical readiness is essential.
  • It is emotionally demanding, requiring strong resilience and stress management abilities. Returning to work after tough days, understanding the risk of animal loss, and maintaining excellence in nursing is paramount.
  • Ensuring self-care, seeking support, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle contribute to ongoing excellence in this demanding yet fulfilling field.