Personal hygiene and cleanliness

Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness in the Kitchen

Personal Hygiene

  • Always wash hands thoroughly before handling food and after activities like using the toilet, coughing, sneezing, touching hair, skin or clothing, or handling waste.
  • Keep hands free from wounds, cuts or sores. If present, fully cover with a brightly coloured, waterproof dressing.
  • Avoid using jewellery. They can harbour bacteria and pose a safety risk.
  • Keep hair tied back or covered. Avoid touching hair and face while preparing food.
  • Wear clean uniforms and aprons. Change aprons when moving between raw and cooked foods.

Personal Behaviour in the Kitchen

  • Never cough or sneeze directly over food. If you are ill, particularly with a gastrointestinal illness, you should not handle food.
  • Avoid habits that involve touching your face or mouth, such as biting nails or chewing on pens.
  • Avoid tasting food with tools used for cooking or serving. Use a clean utensil if tasting is necessary.

Cleanliness in the Kitchen

  • All food surfaces and equipment should be cleaned regularly, with a thorough cleaning after preparing raw food.
  • Regularly empty and clean bins to prevent infestation and contamination.
  • Keep all storage areas tidy and organised to facilitate effective cleaning.
  • Use correct cleaning products and methods for different surfaces and cooking utensils.
  • Always clean spills immediately to prevent slips and food contamination.

Importance of Comprehensive Cleaning Schedules

  • Implementing effective cleaning schedules ensures all areas are cleaned regularly, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.
  • Cleaning schedules should include what needs cleaning, how often, who is responsible and a space to record when and how well the task was completed.
  • Regular reviews of cleaning schedules are crucial to ensure their effectiveness and identify areas needing improvement.