
Types of Game and Their Characteristics

  • Venison is the meat of deer, noted for its lean, rich and slightly gamey flavour. It’s very versatile, and can be prepared in a variety of ways including roasting, grilling and braising.
  • Pheasant is a type of game bird with a distinctive, delicate flavour. Its low fat content requires careful cooking to prevent drying out. It is best roasted or braised.
  • Rabbit has a high protein, low fat, tender white meat that is subtly gamey. Suitable for various cooking methods such as roasting, stewing, and braising.
  • Hare is related to rabbit but provides a darker, richer and stronger flavoured meat. Traditionally used in dishes like jugged hare, it can also be roasted or braised.
  • Grouse is a small game bird with a full-bodied, rich, and unique flavour. It is usually roasted and is especially popular during the game season, namely ‘The Glorious Twelfth’.

Cooking Techniques for Game

  • Roasting is a popular method for both small game birds and larger game such as venison. Season and sear the meat before roasting to keep it moist and flavourful.
  • Braising involves searing the game at a high temperature and then finishing it in a covered pot with a variable amount of liquid, resulting in a tender and flavourful dish.
  • Stewing is a slow-cooking method that’s ideal for tougher cuts of game. It involves simmering the meat in liquid (such as stock or wine) with vegetables and herbs.
  • Grilling is suitable for game birds and tender cuts of larger game like venison. The high, direct heat sears the outside, keeping the inside juicy.

Game Doneness Levels

  • Venison can be cooked to different degrees of doneness, from medium-rare to well-done. The optimal temperature for medium-rare venison is 57°C (135°F).
  • Game birds, rabbit, and hare should generally be cooked to well-done to ensure safety and best texture. A safe internal temperature is 74°C (165°F).

Safety and Hygiene in Game Preparation

  • Follow all the standard procedures for meat preparation: wash your hands before and after handling game, use separate cutting boards and utensils, and store game at cool temperatures.
  • Wild game should be handled with particular care, as it might carry parasites or diseases. Ensure it is thoroughly cooked.

Understanding Quality and Sustainability in Game Production

  • Wild game is often considered more sustainable than farmed meat, as it contributes to conserving natural ecosystems.
  • When sourcing game, look for certified suppliers to ensure the animals have been hunted ethically and sustainably.
  • Game varies by season. Understanding seasonality and sourcing game during the right season can ensure the quality of the meat.
  • Whole animal cooking is encouraged in the preparation of game to minimise waste and fully utilise all parts of the animal.