Role of Photography in Fine Art

Role of Photography in Fine Art

Role and Impact of Photography in Fine Art

  • Photography as a medium of artistic expression: Understand that since its inception, photography has evolved from its mere documentary purpose to a fully recognised art form.

  • Photographers as artists: Recognise the roles of important photographers like Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, and Cindy Sherman who have established the artistic potential of photography.

  • Panel discussions and critiques: When incorporating photography into your own art, expect and welcome critical discussions about the boundary between photography and traditional fine arts.

Technical Aspects of Art Photography

  • Understanding light: Grasp how light can play a crucial role in photographic composition, creating different effects, moods, and feelings.

  • Exploring different photography techniques: Become familiar with various photographic techniques, such as long-exposures, macrophotography, or double exposures, and their potential impacts on your artwork.

  • Photo-editing software: Comprehend the role of digital alteration tools like Photoshop and Lightroom in today’s art photography perception and ethics.

Photography and Personal Investigation in Fine Art

  • Photography and observation: Consider how photography can enhance your observational skills, an essential competency for any artist.

  • Reference material: Understand that photography can be a source of reference material. The photos you take can inspire or be directly incorporated into your artwork.

  • Documentation of work: Appreciate photography as a tool for documenting your art process and finished pieces, providing you with a visual diary of your artistic journey.

  • Conceptual exploration: Use photos to explore and communicate complex ideas and themes, contributing to the development of a personal and distinctive artistic voice.

  • Experimentation and evolution: Utilise photography to push your boundaries, experiment with stylistic approaches and understand its potential in the evolution of your personal artistic style.