Artistic Research Methods

Artistic Research Methods

Understanding the Scope

  • Defining your research question or project aim is a crucial first step in the artistic research process.
  • It’s important to narrow down your area of interest or focus to facilitate deeper exploration and understanding.
  • Make sure your research question is testable, feasible, and focussed.

Gathering Inspiration

  • Use visual inspiration sources such as museums, galleries, exhibitions, photographs, nature or even everyday objects.
  • Incorporate inspiration from historical and cultural references to give depth to your artistic interpretation.
  • Literature, music and film can also stimulate your imagination and serve as a rich source of multidisciplinary inspiration.

Sketchbooks as Research Tools

  • Use sketchbooks to document observations, ideas, sketches and reference material.
  • Regularly annotating your sketches can help explain your thoughts, inspirations, and development process.
  • Include colour swatches, photographs, collage material, and prints to add depth and dimension to your research.

Utilisation of Techniques

  • Experiment with various materials and techniques to see how these can influence the interpretation of your ideas.
  • Techniques could include drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, digital media or a combination of any of these.

Handling References

  • Collect and organise visual references related to your project to build a comprehensive bank of inspiration.
  • Add captions or short notes to your references to remember why these were relevant or influential.

Analysis and Evolution

  • Reflect on your own work and others’. This is instrumental in understanding different perspectives and developing your own unique style.
  • Keep track of your changes in thought, inspirations and artistic development throughout the research process.
  • This process of iterative learning and evolution reinforces your research and strengthens the foundation of your final art piece.


  • Summarise your research findings in a clear, concise manner.
  • Note the relationship between your research and final outcome, drawing clear links back to your original research question.
  • Reflect on any future developments or improvements that can be derived from your research.

Artistic research methods are all about exploration, inspiration, and evolution. It aids in developing a deeper understanding of the artistic pathway leading to your final art piece. Remember to keep it interactive and reflective.