The Benefits and Problems of Nitrogenous Fertilisers for Crop Growth

The Benefits and Problems of Nitrogenous Fertilisers for Crop Growth


  • Increases yield - Nitrogenous fertilisers can significantly improve the growth of crops. This is because nitrogen is a vital part of amino acids and proteins, pivotal components to plant growth and health.
  • Improves quality of produce - Besides quantity, these fertilisers can also enhance the quality of the crops, producing healthier and tastier fruits, vegetables, and grains.


  • Water pollution - When applied too generously or inappropriately, excess nitrogen from fertilisers can leach into water systems causing eutrophication and harmful algal blooms.
  • Soil degradation - Constant application of these fertilisers can result in soil acidification ultimately reducing the soil fertility.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions – The production and application of nitrogenous fertilisers can result in the release of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.