Data Types

Data Types

  • Data Types refer to the type of data that can be stored and manipulated within a program.
  • They are fundamental concepts in computer science, greatly impacting the way data is processed and stored.


  • An integer is a data type that can store whole numbers, both positive and negative.
  • It does not support decimals, making it suitable for cases like counting or ranking where whole numbers are required.

Real / Floating Point

  • Real, also known as a floating point, is a data type that can hold decimal numbers.
  • It is used when precision is a necessity, such as in calculations involving fractions or mathematical formulas.


  • Boolean is a simple data type that can only contain one of two values: true or false.
  • It is often used for logical operations and decision making within a program.


  • A string is a data type used to store sequences of characters, such as words or sentences.
  • Processing strings involves operations like concatenation (joining strings), slicing (extracting parts of a string) and much more.


  • A char or character is a data type that holds a single character.
  • This can be any symbol that is represented on a keyboard, including numbers, letters, punctuation marks, and special symbols.


  • An array is a complex data type that can store a fixed-size sequence of elements of the same type.
  • It is useful when dealing with lists or collections of data.

Importance of Understanding Data Types

  • Understanding the appropriate usage of different data types is critical in writing efficient code.
  • Using the right data type can optimize memory usage and processing speed, and reduce the likelihood of errors.