Program Construction

Program Construction

Planning and Design

  • Initiating a programming project starts with formulating a clear problem statement that outlines what the program is intended to do.
  • The plan for code construction should include deciding on the control structures (such as loops and conditionals), variables, and functions that will be used.
  • It’s widely recommended to use pseudocode, a way of outlining code in human language, during the planning phase to define the logic and functions.

Coding Standards

  • Coding standards are a set of guidelines for a programming language to promote readability and maintainability.
  • These standards might cover aspects such as variable naming, indentation, and placement of brackets.
  • Following such standards makes it easier for others (or for your future self) to read and understand what the code does.

Constructing and Testing

  • Program construction involves creating the actual code according to the plan and the selected coding standards.
  • During and after code construction, testing is significant to make sure the program behaves as expected under different circumstances.
  • In the test phase, bugs are expected and should be properly fixed to ensure the program’s robustness. This process is referred to as debugging.


  • Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behaviour to improve nonfunctional attributes.
  • This could include simplifying the structure of the code, reducing repetition, or improving readability by renaming variables.
  • It’s an ongoing process that helps maintain a clean, efficient, and optimised codebase.


  • Documentation includes inline comments in the code and separate documents that explain the purpose and flow of the project.
  • A well-documented program makes it easier to understand, maintain, and extend, especially if other developers are or will be involved.

Version Control

  • Version control systems track changes to a codebase, allowing you to revisit older versions of your code if required or to help locate when a particular change was made.
  • They also assist in collaborating with other coders, ensuring that it’s easy to merge changes without conflicting modifications.

No matter the size or complexity of your programming project, these steps will ensure your code is efficient, intelligible, and well-structured. Remember, a good programmer is not just a code writer, but a problem solver and a careful planner.