Literary techniques & impact on reader

Literary techniques & impact on reader

Literary Techniques in Latin Literature

Use of Metaphor and Simile

  • Understand the difference between metaphors and similes, as both are used frequently in Latin literature to highlight and emphasise points.
  • Metaphors are a direct comparison between two unlike things while similes use ‘like’ or ‘as’ for the comparison, thus be aware of this subtle distinction.
  • Consider the implications these figures of speech have on the overarching themes of the texts and on the characters involved.

Symbolism and Allegory

  • Latin authors often make use of symbolism to give a deeper meaning to their stories.
  • Characters, objects, or events can all symbolise more abstract concepts, helping to compound the themes or messages of a story.
  • Allegory is a form of extended symbolism where an entire narrative can symbolise something else, often a moral or political concept. Consider the underlying messages in the text and their implications on society.

Use of Imagery

  • Look for the use of vivid and descriptive language that creates pictures in the reader’s mind as it helps create a more complete understanding of the text’s events.
  • These images can be related to sensory perceptions (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) or they can take the form of conceptual figurative language such as metaphors and similes.

Irony and Foreshadowing

  • Recognise incidences of irony, often used for dramatic effect – what appears to be the case on the surface level might be very different to reality.
  • Foreshadowing hints at events to come later in the text, creating suspense and hinting at the eventual outcome. Pay attention to these subtle indications as they often contribute to the climax of the narrative.

Impact on the Reader

Creating Emotive Responses

  • Think about how the author’s choice of words, details, or descriptions make the reader feel. Are they meant to inspire sympathy, admiration, or horror?
  • Consider how these emotive responses enhance your understanding and experience of the text, influencing interpretation of themes and characters.

Engaging the Reader

  • Analyse how the author maintains interest throughout the text. How do they use suspense or tension to keep the reader engaged?
  • Consider elements of surprise and unpredictability, how they add to the reader’s engagement and contribute to the overall theme of the text.

Provoking Thought and Discussion

  • Latin authors often used their works to provoke thought and discussion among their audience.
  • Contemplate on how the themes and issues raised in the text might have resonated with contemporary audiences and how they resonate with readers today. This can help to develop a deeper understanding of the moral or philosophical themes present in the text.

Remember, the techniques used by Latin authors are meant to encourage deeper reflection on the themes of their works. Understanding these techniques and their influence on readers brings you closer to the intended meaning and the essence of the literature.