International and global dimension

International and Global Dimension

Environmental Issues

  • Familiarise yourself with vocabulary related to climate change such as global warming, greenhouse gases, and renewable energy.

  • Understand phrases and discussions about recycling in Polish speaking countries - this may include terms like waste segregation, recycling bin, and landfill.

  • Be able to comprehend discussions about conservation like protecting wildlife, reducing plastic usage and forest conservation.

Cultural Differences and Identities

  • Get comfortable with understanding conversations regarding cultural diversity like traditions, customs, and food habits across various Polish speaking regions.

  • Be aware of terms concerning cultural identity, including language, religion, and nationality.

  • Prepare for potential discussions on migration and multiculturalism, which could involve topics like immigration policies, integration, or cultural adaptation.

Global Institutions

  • Know terms related to international institutions and organisations, such as the United Nations, European Union, or NATO.

  • Understand the language used for discussing international relations, which could include diplomacy, treaties, or foreign policy.

  • Enhance understanding of the vocabulary used in discussions about global events, like world summits, international conferences, and global crises.

Global Issues and Challenges

  • Understand the language relating to global problems, including poverty, conflict, or human rights issues.

  • Identify terms used to discuss humanitarian initiatives, like aid projects, refugee relief, or charity work.

Practise listening to conversations, news bulletins, and podcasts on these topics in Polish, as this will help enhance your comprehension and increase your exposure to the language’s nuances. Remember, repetition and consistent practice is the key. Good luck with your revision!