

Polish Education System

  • Get familiar with Polish words and phrases related to educational stages, such as primary school (szkoła podstawowa), secondary school (szkoła średnia), and university (uniwersytet).

  • Understand the terms for different school subjects, for instance, Maths (matematyka), Biology (biologia), English (angielski) and so on.

  • Learn vocabulary related to school experiences and activities, such as exams (egzaminy), homework (prace domowe), sports day (dzień sportu), and school trips (wycieczki szkolne).

Studying and Learning

  • Understand terms for various types of learning resources, such as textbooks (podręczniki), exercise books (zeszyty), and online learning platforms (platformy edukacyjne online).

  • Build familiarity with vocabulary related to study habits and methods, like revising (powtarzać), note-taking (robić notatki), group study (nauka grupowa) and studying independently (nauka samodzielna).

School Life and Relationships

  • Understand terms associated with positions and roles in school, such as student (uczeń/uczennica), teacher (nauczyciel/nauczycielka), principal (dyrektor/dyrektorka), and school counsellor (pedagog).

  • Grasp the vocabulary related to peer relationship, such as friends (przyjaciele), classmates (koledzy/koleżanki z klasy), and bullying (nękanie).

  • Acquaint yourself with words relating to teacher-student interactions, phrases expressing asking for help (prośba o pomoc), giving and receiving feedback (dawanie i odbieranie informacji zwrotnej).

School Issues and Involvement

  • Familiarise yourself with terms related to performance and progress in school, such as passing (zdać), failing (oblać), grades (oceny), and progress reports (świadectwa).

  • Learn about vocabulary connected to extra-curricular activities, such as clubs (kluby), sports teams (drużyny sportowe), and school competitions (konkursy szkolne).

Remember to frequently practice reading materials related to these topics to get a holistic understanding of the language and improve your reading comprehension skills.