Local area, holiday, and travel

Local area, holiday, and travel

Understanding Local Area

  • Get comfortable with vocabulary related to local geography such as terms for natural landscapes (mountains, rivers, forests) and urban locales (city centre, suburb, park).

  • Be familiar with words detailing public services and facilities e.g., post office, police station, school, library, hospital.

  • Learn how to describe weather conditions and seasonal changes and phrases commonly used to talk about the weather.

  • Understand terms and idiomatic expressions used when giving and receiving directions in Polish.

Travelling and Holidays

  • Study vocabulary related to different types of accommodation like hotel, holiday apartment, camping site, and hostel.

  • Brush up on words associated with activities and attractions that one might see or do on holiday such as sightseeing, skiing, swimming, hiking, visiting museums, or experiencing local festivals.

  • Know the terms related to booking and travel arrangements such as reserved seats, one-way ticket, round-trip ticket, departure, and arrival.

  • Learn phrases and sentences used for asking information and help in situations like lost luggage, missing a flight, or needing medical assistance during travel. Also, practice polite expressions of gratitude and apology.

Experiencing Different Cultures

  • Familiarise yourself with vocabulary related to cultural differences and similarities between the UK and Poland.

  • Understand notions related to features of a good holiday destination from a Polish perspective.

  • Brush up on words expressing feelings and impressions which someone might experience when visiting a new place.

Remember to practice reading texts with these vocabulary terms to simulate the type of reading comprehension you’ll need to demonstrate in the reading exam.