Future aspirations, study, and work

Future aspirations, study, and work

Future Aspirations

  • Understand common expressions regarding future plans and aspirations, such as dream job (wymarzona praca), ambition (ambicja), and life goal (cel życiowy).

  • Familiarise yourself with phrases that describe future predictions, for instance, I plan to… (planuję…), I hope to… (mam nadzieję, że…), I would like to… (chciałbym/chciałabym…).

  • Get accustomed to words and phrases related to pursuing higher education and careers, such as university degree (stopień uniwersytecki), vocational training (szkolenie zawodowe), and professional development (rozwój zawodowy).

Study and Work

  • Get acquainted with vocabulary for various types of occupations and workplaces, such as doctor (lekarz/lekarka), office (biuro), factory (fabryka), and hospital (szpital).

  • Learn to recognise phrases pertaining to job search and application process, such as job advertisement (ogłoszenie o pracę), CV or resume (CV, życiorys), interview (rozmowa kwalifikacyjna).

  • Understand terms related to study and work balance, such as part-time job (praca na część etatu), full-time study (studia w pełnym wymiarze godzin), and flexible hours (elastyczne godziny pracy).

Career Progression

  • Familiarise yourself with words and phrases about promotions and advancements at work, such as promotion (awans), raise (podwyżka), and job satisfaction (zadowolenie z pracy).

  • Grasp the vocabulary related to professional successes and challenges, like achievement (osiągnięcie), setback (powrót do punktu wyjścia), and work stress (stres w pracy).

  • Learn terms associated with job stability and changes, such as job security (pewność zatrudnienia), redundancy (zwolnienie z pracy) and career change (zmiana kariery).

Build your reading comprehension skills by consistently practicing texts related to these topics, ensuring you understand the context and meaning of the highlighted vocabulary.