Eating Out

Eating Out

Types of Eating Establishments

  • Understanding of 各种餐厅 (various types of restaurants) such as 川菜馆 (Sichuan restaurant), 面馆 (noodle restaurant), 快餐店 (fast food restaurant), 比萨店 (pizza place).
  • Familiarity with the 菜单 (menu) including 主菜 (main course), 前菜 (appetizer), 饮料 (drinks), and 点心 (desserts).
  • Awareness of 食物种类 (types of food) ranging from 素食 (vegetarian), 海鲜 (seafood), 粤菜 (Cantonese cuisine), 东北菜 (Northeastern cuisine).

Ordering Food and Drink

  • Knowledge of 如何点菜和饮料(ordering food and drinks) such as 我要一份宫保鸡丁 (I want an order of Kung Pao chicken), 请给我一杯绿茶 (Please give me a cup of green tea).
  • Understanding of special dietary requirements and 禁忌食品 (food allergies/intolerances) such as 我有花生过敏 (I am allergic to peanuts), 我不吃肉 (I am a vegetarian).
  • Familiar with 结账 (paying the bill), 服务费(service charge) and 找零(change).

Eating and Drinking Customs

  • Awareness of 饮食习俗 (eating and drinking customs) such as 不可浪费食物 (no waste of food), 使用筷子 (using chopsticks), 等待所有人都准备就绪再开始 (wait for everyone to be ready before starting).
  • Understanding of the 中国菜的美食文化 (Chinese food culture) including 八大菜系 (the eight culinary traditions), 茶艺 (tea culture), 酒文化 (wine culture).
  • Knowledge on 节日食品 (festival foods) such as 年糕 (New Year cake) during Spring Festival, 月饼 (mooncakes) during Mid-Autumn Festival.

Describing the Food

  • Ability to 描述食物的味道,质地和外观 (describe the food’s taste, texture, and appearance) like 味道鲜美 (delicious), 外观诱人 (appetising appearance), 质地软滑 (smooth texture).
  • Awareness of 食物的营养价值 (nutritional value of food), for example, 高蛋白 (high protein), 低脂肪 (low fat), 富含维生素C (rich in vitamin C), 有益健康 (beneficial to health).