Self, Family, Personal Relationships, Pets

Self, Family, Personal Relationships, Pets


  • Understanding of 个人信息 (personal information) such as 名字 (name), 年龄 (age), 生日 (birthday), 国籍 (nationality), 居住地 (place of residence).
  • Familiarity with physical descriptions which include 身高 (height), 体重 (weight), 头发的颜色 (hair colour), 眼睛的颜色 (eye colour).
  • Awareness about 性格 (personality) concepts including 内向 (introverted), 外向 (extroverted), 好玩 (fun), 有活力 (energetic), 容易相处 (easy-going).


  • Apprehension of 家庭成员 (family members) from immediate to extended ones such as 父母 (parents), 兄弟姐妹 (siblings), 祖父母 (grandparents), 叔叔阿姨 (uncles and aunts).
  • Knowledge on 家庭生活 (family life) covers topics like 吃饭 (meals), 做家务 (doing chores), 度假 (holidays).
  • Overview about 教育 (education) in terms of 学校 (school), 学科 (subject), 阅读 (reading), 学习困难 (learning difficulties).
  • Insight on 社会问题 (social issues) ranging from 离婚 (divorce), 再婚 (remarriage), 养老 (ageing).

Personal Relationships

  • Understand the concept of 朋友 (friendships) involving 朋友关系 (friendship relations), 好朋友 (best friend), 朋友争执 (friendship argument).
  • Comprehend idea of 感情 (romantic relationships) having elements like 男朋友/女朋友 (boyfriend/girlfriend), 爱情 (love), 分手 (breakup).
  • Interpret the scenarios related to 亲人 (relatives) incorporating 表兄弟姐妹 (cousins), 远房亲戚 (distant relatives), 亲密关系 (close relationship).


  • Familiarise with 宠物种类 (types of pets) such as 狗 (dogs), 猫 (cats), 鱼 (fishes).
  • Getting to know about 宠物的照顾 (pet care) which encompasses 喂食 (feeding), 清理 (cleaning), 遛 (walking).
  • Understand the 宠物的好处和坏处 (advantages and disadvantages of having pets) including companionship, responsibility, allergies, cost implications.
  • Acquaintance with 宠物的健康问题 (pet health issues) such as vaccination, neutering, common diseases.