

Types of Shops

  • Different Shops (不同的商店): Familiarise with vocabulary for various types of shops such as supermarket (超市), bookshop (书店), bakery (面包店), etc. These are different places where one can buy items.
  • What can be bought in different shops (在不同的商店可以购买什么): Understand the sort of goods you might find in these shops, from food (食物) to clothes (衣服) to household goods (家庭用品).

Shopping Experience

  • Languages used in shopping (购物中使用的语言): Understand the importance of basic conversation skills like asking where something is (在哪里?), inquiring about price (多少钱?), and saying thank you (谢谢).
  • Payment Methods (支付方法): Know the terms for different ways of paying in China such as cash (现金), card (卡), WeChat Pay (微信支付), and Alipay (支付宝).
  • Customer Service (客户服务): Understand terms related to customer service such as refund (退款), exchange (交换), and complaint (投诉).

Importance of Shopping

  • Economic Influence (经济影响): Understand the concept of shopping as a driver to the economy. Learn phrases related to economic growth (经济增长) and consumer spending (消费者支出).
  • Shopping for Local and Imported Goods (购买本地和进口商品): Understand the impact of importing goods - like the benefits of supporting local industries (支持本地产业) versus the wider variety available via import (进口产品).
  • Online Shopping (网上购物): Be aware of the rise and convenience of online shopping. Know the names of some Chinese online shopping platforms like Taobao (淘宝) and (京东).

Environmental and Ethical Aspects of Shopping

  • Sustainability in Shopping (购物中的可持续性): Discuss the importance of sustainable shopping practices like buying second-hand (买二手的) or choosing products with less packaging (选择包装较少的产品).
  • Labour Issues in product Manufacturing (产品制造中的劳工问题): Consider the possible exploitation of workers in manufacturing. Familiarise with phrases such as ‘child labour’ (童工) and ‘fair trade’ (公平贸易).
  • Consumerism and Waste (消费主义和浪费): Understand the impact of overconsumption and the generation of waste. Know phrases like ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ (减少,再利用,回收).