Reactivity Series

Overview of the Reactivity Series

  • The Reactivity Series is a list of metals sorted by their reactivity, from the most reactive down to the least reactive.
  • Reactivity refers to how readily a metal loses its electrons to form positive ions.
  • The metals on the top of the series, such as potassium and sodium, are more reactive than the metals towards the bottom, like gold and platinum.

Order of Metals in the Reactivity Series

  • The common order of metals in the Reactivity Series from the most reactive to the least reactive is: Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Carbon, Zinc, Iron, Lead, Hydrogen, Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
  • The metal Carbon is included as a reference for comparing the reactivity of other metals.
  • Hydrogen is also included in the series to determine which metals can displace it from acids.

Reactions Demonstrating the Reactivity Series

  • The reactivity of metals can be demonstrated through their reactions with water, acids and salt solutions.
  • More reactive metals react vigorously with water producing metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas.
  • Metals from magnesium to iron react with steam rather than cold water, forming metal oxides and hydrogen gas.
  • Metals below hydrogen in the Reactivity Series do not react with dilute acids as they can’t displace the hydrogen in the acid.
  • In a displacement reaction, a more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from its salt solution.

Uses of the Reactivity Series

  • The Reactivity Series is useful in predicting how metals will react in chemical reactions.
  • It helps to determine the methods used to extract metals from their ores. For example, metals above carbon need to be extracted by electrolysis, whereas metals below carbon can be extracted by reduction with carbon.
  • It’s crucial in deciding which metal can be used in certain circumstances, e.g. building materials, car bodies or jewellery.

When revising the Reactivity Series, it’s vital to remember the order of the metals, understand what it represents and how it impacts the reactions that metals undergo. Having a solid grasp of these concepts can significantly aid in developing a strong foundation in inorganic chemistry.