
Characteristics of Pathogens

General Properties

  • Pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease in their host.
  • They include several types of organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.
  • While many microbes live harmlessly in and on the human body, pathogens are those which can cause harm or illness.

Transmission of Pathogens

  • Pathogens are often transmitted via the air, through direct contact, contaminated food or water, or via vectors like mosquitoes.
  • They are able to move from one host to another using these methods, causing infections and illnesses.

Impact on the Host

  • Pathogens have various mechanisms to infect the host and cause disease, including by producing toxins, invading tissues, or triggering an overreaction of the immune system.
  • The severity of the disease can vary greatly, from mild conditions to severe, life-threatening illnesses.

Types of Pathogens


  • Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms and can be pathogens, causing diseases such as tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia or cholera.
  • They can be treated with antibiotics, though antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem.


  • Viruses are smaller than bacteria and invade the host’s cells to replicate. They are responsible for diseases like influenza, HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.
  • Antiviral medications can help manage viral diseases, but cannot always eliminate the virus completely.


  • Fungi are eukaryotic microbes that include yeasts and molds. Some are pathogenic and can cause diseases like ringworm or thrush.
  • They can often be treated with anti-fungal drugs, though some infections can be more serious.


  • Protozoa are unicellular organisms often transmitted through water. They can cause diseases such as malaria or sleeping sickness.
  • Anti-parasitic treatments are used to manage protozoan infections.

Response to Pathogens

  • The human body has a complex immune system that fights against pathogens, getting rid of many before they can cause disease.
  • Vaccination can help prepare the immune system against certain pathogens, providing immunity to serious diseases.

Roles of Pathogens

  • While pathogens are often harmful, some play beneficial roles, such as aiding in digestion or boosting the immune system.
  • Understanding pathogens and the body’s response to them is a crucial part of biomedical science and disease management.