Land-based industry sectors

Land-Based Industry Sectors


  • This includes activities related to crop production, livestock breeding, and horticulture.
  • Employment ranges from farm workers and managers to agronomists and research scientists.
  • Key skills needed include physical stamina, knowledge about plant and animal biology, and mechanical skills for managing farming equipment.


  • Involves the management and harvesting of forests for timber resources.
  • Jobs include forest rangers, tree surgeons, and conservation officers.
  • Requires skills such as tree identification, knowledge of forestry machinery, and understanding of sustainable forest management practices.


  • Encompasses the practices of aquaculture (fish farming) and commercial fishing.
  • Roles range from fish farmer, marine biologist, to fishery manager.
  • Key skills include knowledge of fish species and their life cycles, equipment maintenance, and water quality monitoring.

Environmental Conservation

  • Focuses on the preservation of natural habitats, wildlife, and biodiversity.
  • Jobs include conservation officers, ecologists, and park rangers.
  • Skills necessary include species identification, habitat management, and knowledge about environmental laws and regulations.

Important Features of Land-Based Industry Sectors

Sector Profiles

  • Each sector is unique in its job roles, required skills, and practice methods.
  • Availability of work can be affected by factors such as seasonality, economic fluctuations, and government regulations.


  • All land-based sectors are increasingly focused on sustainable practices to limit impacts on the environment and preserve resources for future generations.
  • This includes the implementation of conservation measures, resource management strategies, and renewable energy projects.

Health and Safety

  • Land-based industries often involve physical work which can present health and safety risks.
  • Workers must follow safety guidelines and use appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Regular training and updates on health and safety practices are essential to ensure a safe working environment.