Plant identification techniques

Plant Identification Techniques

Visual Observation

  • Look at the overall shape and size of the plant. Trees have distinct forms such as columnar, oval or spreading.
  • Examine the leaf shape, size and arrangement. Plants can have leaves that are lobed, linear, or lance-shaped, among other shapes.
  • Identify the type of bark. The appearance of a plant’s bark can offer significant clues to its identity. Trees may have smooth, rough, or peeling barks, all with different colors and patterns.
  • Notice the flower/fruit/seeds if present. The characteristics of a plant’s reproductive parts are one of the most defining features used in plant identification.

Taxonomic keys

  • Understand the use of a dichotomous key. These keys consist of a series of choices, each with two options, leading you towards the correct identification.
  • Familiarise yourself with the structure of a classification key. Classification keys are typically made as flowcharts that highlight important characteristics.

Field guides

  • Carry a good field guide. Field guides describe plants and provide photos or illustrations of each species.
  • Learn to use the glossary and index in the field guide. This can help you quickly look up unfamiliar terms or find certain plants.

Modern technology

  • Use smartphone apps for plant identification. These use machine learning to identify a plant from a photo.
  • Explore various online databases of plant species. These are often compiled by reputable educational or government institutions and cover a wide range of species.