First aid and emergency procedures

First Aid and Emergency Procedures in Sport and Physical Activity

Definition and Importance

  • First aid is the immediate help given to an injured person before professional medical treatment is available.
  • Understanding of first aid and emergency procedures is vital to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved in sport and physical activity.

First Aid Essentials

  • Key first aid practices include knowing how to clean and dress wounds, perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and how to assist a person suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
  • Identifying symptoms of common injuries in sport such as sprains, strains, fractures, and concussions is essential.
  • Familiarity with the recovery position and when to use it is vital as it can help to keep someone’s airway open.

Role of a First Aider

  • A first aider’s main role is to provide immediate assistance to prevent injuries from worsening and aid the recovery of the casualty until medical help arrives.
  • First aiders must also keep the area safe, monitor the casualty’s condition, and reassure them to reduce anxiety or panic.
  • Emergency situations may require a first aider to dial 999 and effectively communicate vital information about the casualty’s condition.

Emergency Action Plan

  • An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) lays out the steps to be taken in an emergency situation.
  • Components of an EAP usually include evacuation procedures, location of first aid kits and defibrillators, and who is responsible for contacting emergency services.
  • Regular drills should be performed to ensure everyone is aware of their role in an emergency.

Legal Obligations

  • Acquaintance with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 is crucial as it sets out the requirements for first aid in the workplace.
  • The location and nature of the physical activity, as well as the potential risks and hazards associated with it, will influence the required level of first aid provision.

Training and Qualifications

  • Appropriate training is necessary for those designated as first aiders.
  • Various qualifications in first aid exist. A First Aid at Work (FAW) qualification is a comprehensive three-day course covering a wide range of first aid emergencies.
  • For lower risk environments, a one day Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification often suffices.
  • Regular refresher courses are recommended to keep skills and knowledge up-to-date.