Evaluation and refinement of performance

Evaluation and Refinement of Performance

Understanding Critique

  • Familiarise with the concept of constructive criticism. This involves giving or receiving feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of a performance in a way that promotes improvement.

  • Develop the ability to accept criticism graciously and use it as a tool for learning and improvement.

  • Learn to understand and apply feedback related to singing, acting, dancing, and other elements of a performance.


  • Knowledge of self-evaluation techniques is crucial. This involves assessing one’s own performance in an objective manner.

  • Understand the importance of reflecting on personal strengths and weaknesses, performance skills, character portrayal, and audience response.

  • Practise watching your own performances to identify areas for improvement.

Refining Performance

  • Recognise that a performance is not finalised at the initial stage of rehearsal. Understand the continuous process of refining and improving aspects of the performance.

  • Develop skills in refining vocal techniques, acting choices, choreography, and other elements based on feedback and self-evaluation.

  • Understand the concept of ‘beats’ and ‘moments’ in a performance. Beats refer to smaller units of actions while moments can be significant points in the performance. Learn how to enhance and refine these.

Redirection and Improvement Steps

  • Recognise the role of a director or choreographer in suggesting changes. Understand how to incorporate changes effectively into your performance while maintaining character integrity.

  • Understand the difference between major and minor adjustments. Major adjustments could include changes in the storyline or character arc, while minor adjustments could be about delivery of lines or choreography steps.

  • Learn to create a plan of action for improvement. This should include noting down specific feedback, developing a strategy for improvement, practicing the changes, and reassessing.

These bullet points provide a basis for understanding the importance of evaluation and refinement in the journey from rehearsal to performance. Take the time to dig deeper into these points, ensuring a thorough grounding in these processes.