Impact of Choreographic Devices

Impact of Choreographic Devices

Understanding Choreographic Devices

Section 1: Recognising Choreographic Devices

  • Choreographic devices, also known as choreographic methods or structures, are tools used by choreographers to manipulate and arrange movements in a dance piece.
  • They can include repetition, contrast, motif development, fragmentation and reordering, among others.
  • Utilising choreographic devices enhances the effectiveness of the dance, providing texture, contrast and narrative structure.

Section 2: Impact on Dance Composition

  • The manipulation of choreographic devices can create visual interest, highlight key concepts or emotions, emphasise important movements, and support the overall theme or narrative of the dance.
  • Devise combinations, sequences and group formations effectively to reflect motif, theme or mood.
  • Choreographic devices can also help to maintain audience engagement by varying rhythm, pace and dynamics.

Section 3: Developing Performance Skills with Choreographic Devices

  • For the dancer, understanding the use and purpose of choreographic devices is fundamental for an effective interpretation and execution of choreography.
  • Attention to the use of choreographic devices affects the performer’s emotive expression, timing, spatial awareness, creativity and flow during a performance.
  • Choreographic devices guide the dancer on how to interpret the movements’ intention, align to the choreographer’s vision, and build cohesiveness with the rest of the performers.

Section 4: Evaluating The Role of Choreographic Devices

  • The use of choreographic devices provides key insight into the choreographer’s intent and helps in appreciating the artistic depth of the dance piece.
  • They reveal how effectively a theme or emotion is portrayed and how coherent the narrative is.
  • Evaluating the devices used can also inform critics, judges, or audiences about the choreographer’s creativity and ability to communicate through movement.

Section 5: Importance in Creation and Interpretation

  • Mastery of the various choreographic devices aids dancers and choreographers in enriching their dance creation and interpretation.
  • It enhances their creative capacity for devising original dances, and also deepens their understanding of pre-existing works.
  • Choreographic devices provide a shared language for explaining, discussing and critiquing dance, making them vital for both creation of, and communication about, dance.