Left wing policy on crime

Left Wing Policy on Crime: Overview

  • Left-wing policies on crime typically focus on addressing underlying social issues believed to cause criminal behaviour.
  • These policies place emphasis on the role of social factors such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities in leading to crime.
  • Central to the left-wing perspective is the belief that a fair, equal society with opportunities available to all will lead to a decrease in crime rates.
  • Crime is often viewed from a structural perspective, where societal structures are seen as creating conditions in which crime is more likely to occur.

Key Features of Left Wing Policies on Crime

  • Rehabilitation over punishment: Traditional left-wing policies prioritise helping offenders to change their behaviour over punitive measures. This can involve psychological support, education, and skills training for inmates.
  • Addressing inequality: Reducing social inequality and marginalisation is seen as a key strategy for tackling crime. This is often pursued through initiatives promoting social inclusion, better education and employment opportunities.
  • Restorative Justice: This involves face-to-face meetings where the victim confronts the offender to express how they have been harmed, aiming to make the offender understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility.

Critiques of Left Wing Policies on Crime

  • Critics argue that focusing on rehabilitation and ignoring punishment may fail to deter people from offending.
  • The left wing approach is often seen as idealistic and impractical, with critics pointing out that societal inequality is difficult to eradicate completely.
  • Critics often argue that these policies are too lenient on criminals and fail to sufficiently protect victims’ rights.

Examples of Left Wing Policies on Crime

  • In the UK, The Labour Party under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn proposed more community sentences instead of prison for less serious crimes, alongside investment in preventative measures such as living wage and housing initiatives.
  • Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden follow progressive penal policies that stress on rehabilitation and humane treatment of prisoners, which align with left-wing principles.