The relationship between theory and methods

The relationship between theory and methods

Theoretical Approaches and their Influence on Method Selection

  • Positivist approach: Positivists believe in the application of scientific methods to sociology. They favour methods that yield quantitative and generalisable results, such as social surveys and structured interviews.
  • Interpretive approach: This approach focuses on gaining an in-depth understanding of social behaviour. They favour qualitative methods, like unstructured interviews and participant observations, which allows them to explore individuals’ meanings and interpretations.
  • Realist approach: Realists combine elements from both positivist and interpretivist approaches. They endorse the use of both quantitative and qualitative techniques, suggesting a mixed-methods approach can provide a more comprehensive understanding of social phenomena.

Role of Theory in Research Design

  • Formulation of hypothesis: Theory helps in establishing a hypothesis, or a testable prediction, in the research design. This is usually derived from existing theories or gaps identified in previous research.
  • Selection of concepts: The choice of concepts to be studied and measured is often guided by theoretical framework.
  • Choice of method: The researcher’s theoretical approach affects the choice of method. For instance, a study rooted in the conflict theory might use qualitative methods like interviews or case studies to delve into issues of power and inequality.
  • Development of research questions: The theory often helps shape the main questions and sub-questions of the research design.

Relation between Theory and the Analysis and Interpretation of Data

  • Data analysis: Theoretical perspectives guide the analysis of data, by providing a framework for interpreting the findings.
  • Drawing Conclusions: The theoretical lens through which research is conducted often influences the type of conclusions drawn.
  • Theory Testing and Construction: Data analysis can lead to verification, modification, or rejection of an existing theory. It might also lead to the construction of new theories.

Theoretical, Practical, and Ethical considerations in Choice of Methods

  • Theoretical considerations: Theoretical stance, validity, reliability, representativeness and feasibility can influence the choice of method.
  • Practical considerations: Time, money, and resources can impact the selection of research methods.
  • Ethical considerations: Researchers need to consider issues of informed consent, confidentiality, privacy, and potential harm to participants when choosing research methods.