The impact of digital forms of communication on culture

The impact of digital forms of communication on culture

Understanding Digital Communication and Culture

  • Digital forms of communication, including social media, email, and messaging apps, play a crucial role in distributing and shaping culture.

Rise of Global Culture

  • The speed and ease of digital communication fosters global culture. This means that individuals across the globe increasingly share common cultural elements mediated through digital platforms.
  • The exchange of cultural elements isn’t just one-sided, from the West to the rest of the world. Instead, we observe ‘cultural flow’ in multiple directions, forging a truly global, interconnected culture.

Cultural Hybridity and Heterogeneity

  • The phenomenon of merging cultures online leads to ‘cultural hybridity’, creating new, mixed forms of culture.
  • This has given rise to cultural heterogeneity meaning a multiplicity and diversity of cultures in a society propelled by digital communication.

Effect on Local Culture

  • While global culture is gaining momentum, digital communication has also revitalised local cultures. Content creators from local communities can share their unique culture with the world, countrering global cultural homogenisation.
  • Despite fears of cultural imperialism – the imposition of a dominant (western) culture over others – evidence shows that local cultures often survive and adapt rather than simply disappearing.

Impact on Youth Culture

  • Youth across the globe, as digitally-native individuals, are significant contributors to digital cultures. They adopt, adapt, and reshape cultural contents, creating distinctive digital youth cultures.
  • Just as in previous generations, youth culture is a space for the articulation of identity, but now on a potentially global stage.

Proliferation of Subcultures

  • Digital communication has also been a catalyst for the proliferation of subcultures. Since these niche groups can connect and grow online, they flourish in the digital reality.
  • Subcultures can develop around any shared interest or niche, from gaming and fan communities to political and activist movements.

Cultural Industries in the Digital Age

  • Digital culture has changed the way we interact with the cultural industries such as the music, film, and fashion industry.
  • Online platforms like YouTube and Spotify have revolutionised the distribution of music and video, while fashion, art, and film are disseminated and consumed in innovative, more accessible ways.

In conclusion, just as they have revolutionised other aspects of life, digital forms of communication have completely transformed cultural landscapes at local, national, and global scales, providing opportunities for cultural preservation, adaptation, and evolution.