Balancing Human Requirements and Needs of Wildlife

Balancing Human Requirements and Needs of Wildlife

  • Understand the conflict between human requirements, such as food, energy, and space, and the needs of wildlife to preserve their natural habitats and biodiversity.

  • Recognise that wildlife and humans are interdependent. Humans rely on nature for resources such as food, medicine and raw materials, while wildlife often relies on habitats maintained by human activities.

  • Appreciate the importance of sustainable development, which aims to meet human needs while conserving and enhancing the environment, enabling wildlife to sustain its life processes.

  • Realise the significance of protecting biodiversity. A diverse range of species is essential for the health of ecosystems, and we rely on these ecosystems for our survival.

  • Learn about the ways in which humans can alter their activities to reduce their impact on wildlife. This can involve changing farming methods, reducing pollution, and protecting natural habitats.

  • Familiarise yourself with various conservation strategies. These can include creating nature reserves, breeding endangered species in captivity, and reintroducing them into the wild.

  • Remember that laws and regulations can play a significant role in the balance between human needs and wildlife requirements. Legislation like the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in the UK and international conventions like the Convention on Biological Diversity aim to protect wildlife and their habitats.

  • Understand the role of international organisations such as the United Nations and the World Wildlife Fund in coordinating global efforts to balance human needs with those of wildlife. These groups promote sustainable development, protect endangered species, and work to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

  • Know that many conservation efforts involve local communities. People who live close to wildlife can play a major role in conservation efforts and can benefit from ecotourism and other forms of sustainable development.

  • Understand the role of individual choices. Everyone can contribute to balancing human needs and wildlife requirements through choices such as recycling, reducing energy use, and supporting companies that are environmentally responsible.

  • Be aware that scientific research can inform efforts to balance human needs with those of wildlife. For example, scientists study the impacts of human activities on wildlife and develop ways to minimise or mitigate these effects.

In finalising the revision, relate these bullet points to real-life scenarios and case studies. This approach will help in better understanding the balance between human and wildlife needs.