Graph Transformations

Understanding Graph Transformations

Introduction to Graph Transformations

  • Graph Transformations involve modification of a parent function to produce a new function with unique characteristics.
  • Transformations play an essential role in making sense of real-world problems in Algebra.

Types of Transformations

  • The basic types of transformations for functions on a graph include translations, reflections, and stretches.


  • A translation involves shifting the entire graph to a new location without changing its shape or orientation.
  • The transformation y=f(x)+c involves a vertical translation c units upwards for positive c or downwards for negative c.
  • The transformation y=f(x+c) involves a horizontal translation c units to the left for positive c or to the right for negative c.


  • Reflection involves mirroring an original function about an axis.
  • The transformation y=-f(x) reflects the graph across the x-axis.
  • The transformation y=f(-x) reflects the graph across the y-axis.


  • A stretch involves changing the size of a graph either vertically or horizontally, altering its shape but not its orientation.
  • The transformation y=af(x) (a>1) stretches the graph of y=f(x) vertically by a factor of a.
  • The transformation y=f(ax) (a>1) compresses the graph of y=f(x) horizontally by a factor of a.
  • If 0<a<1 in the transformations y=af(x) or y=f(ax), the graph shrinks instead of stretches.

Strategies for Graph Transformations

Order in Combining Transformations

  • Multiple transformations can be applied to a single function. However, the order can affect the final result.

Observation and Analysis

  • Always observe the original graph first before applying transformations.
  • Analyse which transformation has been applied to the function when given a transformed graph.

Practice and Understanding

  • Understanding transformations rather than memorising them will help in dealing with different types of functions.
  • The key is constant practice with different types and combinations of transformations.

Finally, always remember: Graph transformations are a visual and creative tool in Algebra that can help simplify complex mathematical problems. Practicing with these transformations can lead to a deeper understanding of functions and their behaviours.