Understanding Fractions
- A fraction is a mathematical expression representing the division of one whole number by another.
- Every fraction consists of a numerator (the top number) and a denominator (the bottom number).
- The numerator of a fraction represents how many parts we have.
- The denominator of a fraction tells us the total number of equal parts the whole is divided into.
- Fractions can represent both whole numbers and numbers less than one, depending how they’re structured.
Simplifying Fractions
- A fraction can be simplified when the numerator and the denominator have common factors, other than 1.
- For example, in the fraction 8/12, the common factor is 4. Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 4 simplifies the fraction to 2/3.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
- To add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator (be like fractions).
- If fractions have different denominators, turn them into equivalent fractions with the same denominator, then add or subtract the numerators.
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
- To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators together for the new numerator, and do the same with the denominators for the new denominator.
- To divide fractions, you have to first flip the second fraction (this gives you its reciprocal), then multiply as you would normally.
Practice Problems
- Problem: Simplify the fraction 24/32.
- Solution: The simplified fraction is 3/4.
- Problem: Add the fractions 1/4 and 2/8.
- Solution: The sum is 3/4.
- Problem: Multiply the fractions 1/2 and 3/4.
- Solution: The product is 3/8.
- Problem: Divide the fractions 3/4 by 2/3.
- Solution: The result is 9/8 or 1 1/8.
Final Notes
- Always strive to present your fraction in its simplest form.
- When dealing with mixed fractions (ones containing whole numbers and fractions), convert them into improper fractions (where the numerator is larger than the denominator) before multiplication or division.
- It is crucial to master the basic skills of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions to solve complex problems efficiently.