Harder Graphs

Harder Graphs

Dealing with Cubic Graphs

  • Cubic graphs, or graphs representing cubic functions, are an important part of algebra and are recognisable by their distinct ‘S’ shaped curve.

  • Cubic graphs are particularly useful in modelling real-world situations where the rate of change is not constant.

  • The general equation is y = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d, where ‘a’ is crucial as it defines the direction of the curve (positive ‘a’ for right-hand up and negative ‘a’ for right-hand down).

  • The points at which these graphs cross the x-axis are called the roots of the cubic equation.

Recognising and Sketching Quadratic Graphs

  • A quadratic graph represents a quadratic function and is a U-shaped curve known as a parabola.

  • The general form of a quadratic equation is y = ax^2 + bx + c.

  • The vertex of the parabola is the peak if the graph opens downwards and the lowest point if the graph opens upwards. It can be found by the formula, (-b/2a, f(-b/2a)).

  • If the graph cuts through the x-axis, these points are known as the roots of the quadratic equation.

Exploring Reciprocal Graphs

  • A reciprocal graph represents reciprocal functions and has a characteristic ‘horseshoe’ shape.

  • The general form is y = 1/x or y = k/x.

  • These graphs have two key features: an asymptote on the x-axis and an asymptote on the y-axis.

  • No part of the graph ever touches the asymptotes, which are lines the graph shape gets indefinitely close to without ever reaching.

Adjustments to Graphs

  • Transformations can be applied to graphs including translations, reflections, stretch and compressions.

  • Translations move the graph horizontally or vertically. For example, y = x^2 + 3 shifts the graph of y = x^2 three units upward.

  • Reflections flip the graph. When y = -f(x), the graph of f(x) is flipped around the x-axis.

  • Stretching and compression change the shape of the graph. For example, y = 2f(x) vertically stretches the graph of f(x) by a factor of 2.

Importance of Further Practice

  • Experimenting with different equations and adjusting the constants allows for a better understanding of how these changes affect the graph.

  • Practising sketching these graphs freehand can improve intuition about the shapes and patterns of these functions.

  • Understanding these graphs and transformations is essential for solving and interpreting more complex algebraic problems.

Remember to always consider the real-world context of problems, as this can often help in understanding what the graph is showing and why certain features are important.