Purcell: Rondeau from the Abdelazer

Purcell: Rondeau from the Abdelazer

Key Contextual Points Regarding the Piece

  • Henry Purcell wrote the Rondeau from Abdelazer while serving as a composer at the Royal Court.

  • The piece serves as incidental music for the play Abdelazer by Aphra Behn, making it a great example of music written for the theatre.

  • The time period of Abdelazer indicates it was written during the Baroque Period (1600-1750).

Structural Overview and Form

  • The Rondeau uses a repeating melody to structure the piece, indicative of a musical form identified as Rondo form.

  • In this piece, the Rondo form follows an ABACA structure.

  • The A section is a repeating theme that appears three times within the music. It is in duple time, and written in a minor key.

  • The B section, known as an episode, offers a contrast to the A theme.

  • Here, the C section is yet another contrasting section, offering variety and keeping listeners engaged.

Musical Devices and Techniques

  • This piece makes use of the Ground Bass technique, where a short melodic phrase, usually in the bass, is constantly repeated throughout the piece.

  • Additionally, Contrapuntal textures are prevalent, as various musical lines interact and weave together.

  • Purcell uses Ornaments extensively to enhance the melodic lines. These include trills and grace notes.

  • The usage of Inversion, creating a mirrored or flipped version of a motif, is also present in certain sections.

  • It’s also important to note the use of the Major and Minor Modulation, which provides contrast and creates different moods between sections.

Key Listening Indicators

  • Listen for the distinctive, recurring A Theme as it will help you recognise the Rondo form of the piece.

  • Pay attention to differences in instrumentation and melody in the various sections (B and C) to distinguish them from A.

  • Notice the repeated Ground Bass phrase throughout the piece.

  • Try to identify the use of Contrapuntal Texture within the piece.

Overall, keeping these points in mind, will greatly aid in understanding and analysing Purcell’s Rondeau from Abdelazer.