Exploring Types of Cameras (SLR, DSLR, Mirrorless, Film)

Exploring Types of Cameras (SLR, DSLR, Mirrorless, Film)

SLR Cameras

  • SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras use a mirror and prism system to reflect the light coming into the lens up to the viewfinder, hence the name ‘reflex’.
  • SLRs provide an optical viewfinder that allows you to see exactly what your lens does.
  • Most SLRs require the use of detachable lenses which need to be bought separately. This allows for greater flexibility in shooting.

DSLR Cameras

  • DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras are similar to SLR cameras, but swap the film for a digital sensor.
  • DSLRs also use the mirror and prism system, making them heavier than some other types of camera.
  • They produce high-quality images and are a popular choice for professional full-time photographers.

Mirrorless Cameras

  • Mirrorless cameras, also known as Compact System Cameras (CSCs), operate without the reflex mirror found in SLRs and DSLRs.
  • This makes them smaller, lighter and often quieter than their mirrored counterparts.
  • They use an electronic viewfinder, or simply the LCD screen, to display the image.
  • Their compact size makes them a popular choice for travel photography.

Film Cameras

  • Film cameras capture images on film which then has to be processed in a darkroom to produce a photograph.
  • They are popular among purists who enjoy the traditional process of creating pictures.
  • Film cameras can create unique, nostalgically beautiful images that many believe digital sensors can’t quite replicate.