Influence of Social and Cultural Changes on Photography

Influence of Social and Cultural Changes on Photography

Industrial Revolution and urbanisation

  • The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on photography, as advances in technology made cameras more accessible and portable.
  • The rise of urbanisation often became the subject matter, with photographers capturing images of industrial landscapes and the harsh realities of city life.
  • This also saw the rise of Documentary Photography, used as a tool to highlight social conditions and instigating reform.

Wars and Political Movements

  • Wars and political movements have influenced photography in profound ways, often leading to strong and powerful images that encapsulate the mood of an era.
  • The Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement for example, resulted in a surge of photojournalism, bringing the realities of these events to the wider public.
  • Political changes and upheaval are often reflected in the work of photographers of the time, who use their art to make social comments.

Technology and Mass Media

  • With the advent of digital technology, photography changed dramatically in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
  • The introduction of digital cameras and smartphones fulfilled photography’s potential to become a universal form of communication.
  • The rise of social media platforms, like Instagram, reshaped the field of photography, making it more shareable and accessible than ever before.

Post-modernism and Conceptual Photography

  • The latter half of the 20th century saw the rise of Post-modernism in photography, a movement that challenged prevailing notions of art and authorship.
  • The use of photography in Conceptual Art highlighted the medium’s ability to question reality and challenge viewer perceptions.
  • Examining work from this period can highlight how societal changes influence the creation and interpretation of art.

Feminism and Gender Equality

  • Feminism and its various waves have greatly impacted photography, leading to a shift in both subject matter and perspective.
  • Female photographers began using their work to discuss issues such as identity, body image and gender equality.
  • Photography became an important medium for highlighting the lived experiences of women and advocating for social change.