

General Prepositions

  • Spanish prepositions connect words and phrases together to show the relationship between them.
  • Some common Spanish prepositions include: a (to), de (of, from), en (in, on), con (with), sin (without), por (for, by, through), and para (for, in order to).
  • Por and para are often confused since both can be translated as ‘for’ in English, but they are used in different contexts.
    • Por is used to express the cause or reason for an action, a time or duration, a general location, a means or manner, and an exchange or substitution.
    • Para is used to express purpose or intention, a recipient, a destination, a deadline, and a standard of comparison.

Personal ‘a’

  • In Spanish, when a person (or pet) is the direct object of the verb, the preposition ‘a’ is used before their name. This is known as the personal ‘a’.
  • Example: Veo a Juan (I see Juan). There is no equivalent concept in English.

Preposition + Infinitive

  • Spanish prepositions can be followed by an infinitive when the preposition is part of a two-word verb phrase.
  • Example: Insisto en hablar (I insist on speaking).

Prepositional Phrases

  • Prepositional phrases are used to provide more detail and context in a sentence.
  • Examples include: a pesar de (despite), después de (after), en lugar de (instead of), debajo de (underneath), and por encima de (above).

Prepositions in Questions

  • Note that unlike English, Spanish sentences shouldn’t end with a preposition in questions.
  • Correct Spanish structure: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?) instead of the direct translation “¿Dónde eres de?” which is incorrect.

Prepositions in Expressions of Time

  • Use a for the time of day: a las dos (at two o’clock).
  • Use en for months or seasons: en diciembre (in December), en invierno (in winter).
  • Use de for a specific date: el cuatro de mayo (the fourth of May).
  • Use para to indicate a deadline: La tarea es para mañana (The homework is for tomorrow).

Don’t forget, prepositions are small but crucial in providing structure and meaning to your sentences. Understanding their correct usage can significantly improve your fluency in Spanish.